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Local Governance

Our governors come from across the community, representing a range of skills and expertise. There are several categories of governor, appointed by different groups; these are Community governors, the Local Authority, Parents and Staff. All governors have equal status, no matter how they are appointed.

We, as governors, have great pride in our school and all that it has achieved. We are responsible for the strategic direction of the school, monitoring standards and policies and ensuring value for money.

We meet regularly, both at full governing body meetings and at committee level. If you would like to find out more, please contact the school office by e-mail or by telephone on 01293 527473.

Mission Statement

We are committed to giving the children the best start in life and ensuring they achieve the expected academic standards for their age alongside developing their self-confidence, a positive attitude towards learning and becoming a valuable member of the community. 

Roots to grow, wings to fly, success and confidence for all


Chair of Governors Ryan Sallows, an appointed governor
Vice-Chair of Governors Dawn Rhodes, an appointed governor
We currently have 8 governors:
  • 1 Headteacher
  • 1 staff governors
  • 4 parent governors
  • 2 appointed governors

Click here to see a copy of the constitution. 


There are six meetings of the full Local Governing Body each academic year. In addition to this, there are two committees who have delegated responsibility laid out in their terms of reference.

Staffing and Pay Committee

The Staffing and Pay Committee meet at least annually to review the whole school pay policy, review all staff members pay and agree matters relating to staffing.

Standards Committee

The Standards Committee meet at least annually to review the previous year’s data including attainment, using the Governments ASP data analysis. The school reports to the LGB throughout the year at half termly meetings.

Click here to view our Oaks Local Governing Body page

Click here to view our TKAT Governors page