
We are lucky to have Francis as our resident Mental Health Practitioner here at The Oaks. She is based here on Wednesdays and is able to support both individual children as well as provide workshops to both children, parents and staff around some key Mental Health areas such as anxiety and sleep.
Parent/Carer Involvement
We believe that the parents are crucial to the good mental health of their children and whilst services can offer support for a period of time, it is the family home that is the consistent factor in shaping a child's wellbeing. To support this we work with schools to provide parent support sessions, training and information.
When working one-to-one with a child or young person we also strive to involve parents/carers to varying degrees, depending on the age of the child. This is because you are in the best position to support the implementation and reinforcement of the strategies we teach in sessions when at home with your child. You are also best placed to encourage and support the completion of any home practice tasks set from these sessions. If it is assessed as more appropriate, for which it is more commonly with adolescents, we may work directly with your child, involving you with their permission. With younger children in particular, we may work solely with you in order to achieve the best and most effective outcomes for your child.
From time to time we also consult with parents/carers as we feel it's important to have the voice of service users. If you would like to be involved please email
Please note that the Mental Health Support Teams in Schools is not an emergency service and cannot respond as such. If you feel that due to your mental health, you are at immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, please visit your GP, contact NHS 111 out of hours, or visit your local Accident and Emergency department at hospital. If you have seriously harmed yourself, call 999 or go straight to Accident and Emergency.
The Sussex Mental Health Line is available 24/7 on 0300 5000101.
Other crisis support:
The Team
There are a variety of roles in the MHST employed by Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust (SPFT) and West Sussex County Council:
Assistant Psychologists
Educational Psychologists
Trainee Educational Mental Health practitioners
Educational Mental health Practitioners
Childrens Low Intensity Practitioner
Mental Health Practitioners
Senior Mental Health Practitioners
Advisory teacher
Clinical Supervisor
Team Leader
Programme Support Assistant