Year 1 Art Gallery of Jackson Pollock inspired work

4th Apr 2025 14:30 - 15:00 Burton Hall

Year 1 Art Spring 2

Dear Parents and Carers, 

This term in Art, Year 1 are learning about the artist Jackson Pollock. Over this half term they will be learning the different techniques he used as an artist and painter, in preparation for a final Jackson Pollock inspired  piece. 

To support us with keeping your child and their uniform clean, please could you provide an adult sized top that when your child wears it, it will cover the majority of their uniform. This will need to also be a top that you are happy to be covered in paint and potentially not be used again.  

At the moment supermarkets like Asda, Tesco, and Sainsburys are selling large mens t-shirts and tops for a low price, which would be perfect.  

Please send in your child’s art top in a named carrier bag by Monday 24th March 2025 - Thank you. 

We would also like to invite you to view Year 1’s Art gallery of Jackson Pollock inspired work on Friday 4th April at 2:30pm in Burton Hall.

Kind regards,

Miss Sandow and Mrs Smith