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At The Oaks Primary School and Nursery, our PSHE curriculum is designed to ensure children are able to develop into social, emotional, moral, spiritual and resilient young people. We aim to engage learners whilst giving them the skills and understanding to know who they are and how they fit into the world they live in; have respect for similarities and differences; have knowledge of anti-bullying and being unique; have the ability to identify their aspirations and how they can achieve them; being and keeping healthy and safe; building positive, healthy relationships and coping positively with change. 

During these sessions, we encourage our children to have curiosity to find out more and develop the courage to voice their informed views and opinions.

How is this subject taught?

At The Oaks, we use the Jigsaw PSHE programme to teach PSHE.  The rationale and philosophy underpinning Jigsaw resources is a mindfulness philosophy and practice.

Each lesson has 6 parts where children:

  • Improve their social skills to better enable collaborative learning (Connect Us)

  • Relax their bodies and calm their minds to prepare them for learning (Calm Me)

  • Help the brain to focus on specific learning intentions (Open my Mind)

  • Initiate new learning (Tell me or show me)

  • Facilitate learning activities to reinforce the new learning (Let me Learn)

  • Support them in reflecting on their learning and personal development (Help me reflect) 


PSHE is assessed each term, after each unit.  Teachers identify who is exceeding expectations and children who are not meeting the expected standard.  Teachers will be mindful of any significant groups who are not making progress and ensure they keep a close on how to support them the following term. 

PSHE curriculum map